
Postmodernism and the Passover

Postmodernism has affected our thinking over the past 50 years.  A hostile environment has been slowly programmed to our generation to accommodate this thinking.  As we prepare for the Passover we must understand how our society has drifted into this thinking.

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Taking Full Responsibility For Your Life as We Keep The Passover and The Days of UB

The foundational purpose of the this season is to come to reality of self and take full responsibility for who and what we are.  

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Do This in Remembrance of Me

In I Cor.11 we are instructed to remember Him as we eat the broken bread and drink the wine.  Our remembrance should include all that He sacrificed beginning with His conception in the flesh.

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12 Facets of Sin from the Old and New Testament

There are over thirty words which refer to sin in some form (see handout).  All these words spotlight human nature in its many facets of sin.  We will categorize some of these words to reveal patterns of behavior in human nature as we prepare to examine ourselves for...

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The Joy Set Before Us

As Jesus Christ kept His last Passover, there were things that seemed to dominate His thinking.  Perhaps it would be helpful to ponder the same things as we prepare to keep the Passover this year.

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The Goodness of God

Paul speaks of the goodness of God with forbearance and longsuffering.  Because we are not reprimanded for sin or immediately punished, people harden themselves to the reality of who and what they are.  The context shows one should be sensitive to the reality of their nature so they...

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Preparing a Place for Us

God the Father has called us for a very special purpose.  He and Jesus Christ are both preparing for our future in His family and the coming Kingdom of God.  Are we preparing too?

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Accountability and Repentance

What are you accountabe for daily?  God expects us to acknowledge our sins, repent in humility and change our behavior.  Daily repentance should a vital part of our prayer life as we build a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father.

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The Eight Virtues of II Peter 1

These eight virtues form a progressive ascending order from the foundation of faith upon which we stand to the apex of all virtues, the love of God.  This sermon shows how each quality or virtue is interrelated with all the others and each seems to flow out of another...

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Seven Steps To Unpardonable Sin

Our calling and election comes in stages and steps.  There seven possible stages one can go through.  We want to remain in stage four and never find ourselves in steps 5, 6, and 7.  How we remain in stage four is embedded in the sermon.  

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