
The Power of Supplication

Paul taught that we should be praying with all prayer and supplication.  Abraham, Moses, Elijah and David were close friends of God.  In prayer they complained, they cried, they bargained, they reasoned and importuned God because they were comfortable with Him.  They saw a “soft spot...

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Should We Pray To Jesus?—Restoring the Fatherhood of God Our Father as Christ Directed

The book of John shows us in a message sprinkled throughout about the relationship of Jesus Christ to God the Father and how He addressed and served the Father.  It is a book about Unity and Government in the Godhead.

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Brought Forth by the Word of Truth

James 1:18 states "Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth".  What part does the word of truth have in the bringing forth of the firstfruits?  

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A Spiritual Desert—postmodern thinking

We live in a world heading toward spiritual anarchy.  Postmodern thinking in words like “coexistence, tolerance, and diversity” will bring us to a destructive end.

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Restoring The Fatherhood of God

We examine the role of fathers and see how we can be more productive in that job as we strive to imitate God our Father.

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Understanding Prophecy Through Pentecost

Pentecost teaches a profound principle in understanding the scriptures at the time of the end.  Peter quotes a scripture that actually has its fulfillment in the last few years before Christ returns.  We discuss how he applied it for 31 A.D. and how it will find a greater...

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Staying Power

There is a direct correlation between the commitment in the marriage covenant and our commitment to baptism.  There is a parallel between marriage and the Church as the Bride of Christ.  What is needed is "staying power."  Endurance, steadfastness, patience, and perseverance with God's love make...

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Make Our Calling and Election Sure

After our calling, repentance and Baptism, God gives us the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. This power enables us to understand spiritual things and make further changes in our lives. 2 Peter 10 tells us,"to make your calling and election sure" This sermon offers the basics on stirring...

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The Holy Spirit - what it is… and isn’t

The Christian world teaches that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. We believe it's the power of God. Which is it, and why?

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The Titus 2 Model of Spiritual Mothering

 “Spiritual Mothering” is when a woman possessing faith and spiritual maturity enters into a nourishing relationship with a younger woman in order to encourage and equip her to live a godly life that will glorify God.

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