
Split Sermon - The Distractions of Satan-What Will our Choice Be?

We can look at the example of the first Adam and the second Adam to learn important lessons.  We see that both had to make a choice whether to follow God's instructions or allow Satan's distractions to lead them astray.  We can read how the church...

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The Good Shepherd

Following Jesus' death and ressurrection, He was highly exalted by His Father to a position along side Himself.  This highly exalted position is not for His benefit but rather He has been exalted so that He can provide incredialbe benefits for His church.

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Looking Back, Taking Stock, Moving On - Split Sermon

Milestones in life are great opportunities for reflecting on the lessons in life that help us prepare for our future.

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Works of Service - Split Sermon

Hebrews 6:10 tells us that God will not forget our labor and service to the saints.  When one spends a lifetime in service to God's people it is a wonderful thing.  

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Let The Future Begin—A Point of Light—Where do we go from here?

The Sabbatarian world is divided into over 300 groups.  Yet Christ said in his final prayer to the Father "that they may be one as you and I are one."  What are some of the causes and how will Christ go about bringing unity and government to the Church...

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De-leavening: A Continual Process

We prepare for the Days of Unleavened Bread by following a simple process of detection, Isolation and disposal of leavening from our dwellings.  This same process can be used to address the real task at hand which is to detect, isolate and remove the sin from our lives. ...

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The Wave Sheaf Offering and How it Relates to Us Today

On the surface, the wave-sheaf offering may seem to be an insignificant event lost in the more visible activities of Passover and Unleavened Bread. Though it may be lost on this world's "Christianity," it memorializes the most significant spiritual event that has yet taken place on earth: the resurrection...

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Questions About Sin During the Days of Unleavened Bread

The Days of Unleavened Bread picture putting sin out by keeping the commandments of God.  The Apostle Paul tells us: “that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.”  How that is accomplished is found in this first day of UB sermon.

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The Awesome Truth—the work of Melchizedek Today

Melchizedek predates the Levitical priesthood.  Why?  Who is He and what was and is His purpose Today?

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Let Us Make Man in Our Image

Elohim stated Their purpose for creating mankind when They said "let Us make man in Our image".  The process began with the creation of the physical man Adam, however it will not be finished until human beings become god beings.  

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