
Enduring Persecution

The last of the beatitudes is a warning that persecution will come upon those who are poor in spirit, who love mercy and who are meek, but the reward of enduring it all is being in the Kingdom of God.

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The biblical meaning of adoption

When the Apostle Paul speaks of adoption, it means a lot more than just what we understand in the modern world.  It is quite profound of what our Father has done for us.

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Amos 5-7

A continuation of the Book of Amos.

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Honor God and honor our parents

The fifth command requires us to honor our parents, but we also need to honor God as our Father, and show honor and respect to others.

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The Spirit of Truth

Among many attributes of God's Spirit is that of truth.  God has given us a spirit of truth, and we must not go back into the spirit of error.

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Pentecost and the Spirit of Unity

The gift of the Holy Spirit is like a fine jewel with many facets.  One very important facet, the "Spirit of Unity", is underscored by the meaning of the Feast of Pentecost and what it means to be part of the Firstfruits. 

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The Story of Ruth

Lessons we can learn from the life of Ruth and how her story relates to Pentecost.

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What Does Pentecost Mean to us?

As we prepare to keep Pentecost, we need to know what it means and why we observe it each year.

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Laying on of Hands

This sermon covers some key elements of this basic doctrine.

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Lessons from Mothers in the Bible

We traditionally honor mothers each year at this time, and so there are lessons we can learn from the mothers in the Bible. Specifically, Sarah, "whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid of any terror.

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